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Action for Children

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In 1869, the Reverend Dr Thomas Bowman Stephenson saw some children living rough under the arches of Waterloo Station.Instead of walking by, he stopped to listen to their stories. Then he worked out the most practical way to help.

Dr Stephenson was a Methodist minister from the North East of England. He was also passionate about social justice. So when he moved to London, he challenged the Methodist Church to take action to help children living on the streets.

His work led to the creation of the National Children's Home (NCH). In 1994 we became NCH Action for Children. We've been Action for Children since 2008.

Have you seen the John Lewis Christmas advert this year they have worked in conjunction with Action for Children and Who Cares Scotland highlighting children in care, the film shows a girl being fostered for Christmas and the foster dad who is trying to go the extra mile..

John Lewis says – (62,738 views Nov 10, 2022)

This Christmas it's about what we do that matters most. That's why we used our advert this Christmas to highlight an issue close to hearts, so that together, we can be a force for positive change for a generation of young people growing up in care or who have experienced being in care. We want every young person to feel valued and seen and have the same opportunity for a happier Christmas and a happier future. Find out more about what we're doing and how you can help too though our website:

Could you go the extra mile this Christmas could you be a Secret Santa for a vulnerable child – donate and help put the magic back into a child's Christmas.

Visit and give hope to a child today.

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