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Southampton Methodist Circuit
Celebrating and Sharing God’s Love

You will find a warm welcome at Woolston Methodist church.

We are a small congregation participating in a range of service styles. Although we currently have no Sunday School, children are very welcome in services and we have a box available containing a range of toys for different ages.

During term time we have a Stay & Play Group on a Tuesday morning from 10:00 am until 11:30 am.

Most Tuesday mornings we have a Thrift Shop and Café in our main hall from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon.

We have an Indoor Market on a Saturday most months from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm and refresehments are served until 12:00 noon. The next one is on Saturday 27th July.

Baptism, Weddings & Funerals
We would welcome the opportunity to have a conversation about the Baptism (sometimes called Christening) of your child(ren), or perhaps about the hosting of a Service of Thanksgiving following the birth of your child. Have a chat with our Minister John to talk this through.

We are registered to conduct the Weddings of members and non-members alike. In line with the Methodist understanding of marriage, both opposite sex couples and same sex couples can be married at Woolston Methodist Church. If you have been married before and have gone through a divorce, it is still possible to be married in our Church. Have a chat with our Minister John to talk this through.

Funeralsare things we don't like to think about however they are a worrying necessity for families at a time when they are feeling at their most emotionally fragile. We can help. Contact our Minister John, or ask your Funeral Director to do so, if you would like the Funeral Service or a Service of Thanksgiving to be held at Woolston Methodist Church.

For more information please see the Welcome to Woolston document which can be accessed at the bottom of this page under the photographs.

© 2025 – Southampton Methodist Circuit