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Woolston Community Herb Garden


As part of their ongoing missional outreach into their local community the members at Woolston Methodist Church decided that they would tidy up the large raised bed at the front of their church and create a Community Herb Garden. Sandra Franks took the lead as the Project Co-ordinator and was assisted by Rev John Hughes with obtaining a £400 grant from the District along with other funding.

A skip was hired and members decided to have a clear out of some items in the church as well as clearing the raised bed. On Friday 10th and Saturday 11th May a working party cleared church and the raised bed and filled the skip. It was hard work and the team thank those who came along to provide refreshments especially the home baked flap jack. Whilst working on the garden the team were chatting with passers by and explaining what they were doing and it was warmly received. As well as digging out and planting the raised bed the working party also weeded and tidied up the front of the church.

The herbs were planted and need to bed in a little before people start to cut them. Once this has happened there will be a leaflet drop to the local streets explaining that they are welcome to come and cut the herbs to use at home.

The congregation at Woolston may be small but they are a shining example of a church who are in touch with their local community and seek to address their needs. As well as the Community Herb Garden they have a weekly Thrift Shop on a Tuesday, monthly Indoor Markets, a fortnightly craft club on a Friday and a Stay and Play Group on a Tuesday. The church also have strong links with the Sea Scouts who use their building and attend parade services. The Dalian Players also have their home in the building and deliver amazing productions which, unlike the professional theatres, are affordable for local families.

The church has recently fitted new front doors and is planning on being a part of the community for some time to come. A beacon of light in their community.

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