Hedge End Methodist Church held their first post covid Autumn Bazaar on Saturday 28th October and it was wonderful to be able to welcome the community into our church.
There were numerous stalls including beautiful glass art, jewellery, cakes, knitted items, second hand jigsaw puzzles and books, Christmas wrapping service, trash or treasure and games and of course a raffle. The money raised went to church funds.
Graham had his head shaved by Maggie. This was a sponsored event and the money raised went to a scout who is going to 25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea next year who has to raise the money to be able to go. People gave generously and the more that was given the shorter the shave. Well done Graham for being such a star!
It was good to be getting back to normal and to get back into the pattern of our church events.
Rev John Hughes thanked all those who made this possible and gave so generously of their time and talents.